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Welcome to Our website !
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Father Celestine Obidiegwu, Pastor
1720 E. Apache
Tulsa, OK 74110
Deacon Steve Litwack Phone: 918-
Deacon Charles Beard Phone: 918-
Parish Secretary: Liz Brown Phone: 918-
email address:
Office Hours:
St. Augustine:
Wednesday's 9:00 a.m. -
Sunday 10:30 a.m. -
Sunday 12:30 p.m. -
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. -
Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. -
Daily Mass Readings
Click here for Mass Readings
American Sign Language (ASL)
Mass Every Sunday 10:30am
Church News/Events
* click for Dates To Remember
North Tulsa Spring Soccer League
St. Augustine Church
*See bulletin or Church News/Events
Spring Soccer League Season starts in 2025
Bulletin Deadline -
Annoucements to the office before noon
on Tuesday at least two weeks prior to your
scheduled event.
To open current Bulletin, click here.
To open archive Bulletins, click here
Church Events/Activities________
NTLC Tutoring
Tues &Thurs
Baptism -
First Eucharist & Confirmation -
Reconciliation -
Marriage -
Call this office for more information.
Visitation of the sick -
Communion to the sick -
Pastor. Please call the Pastor if you know of anyone unable to attend Mass.
Vocations -
or Lay Minister, contact the Parish Priest.
Ministries Schedule
See Bulletin for Ministries schedule
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministries
Gift Bearers
Religious Education
Every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. -
from September to May.
New Parishioners Welcome
We're so glad you are here. We'd like to invite your family to join our parish family on a journey of faith. Download the pdf below, fill it out and mail to our office. Registration Form
Other Links
Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma -